
Invest today in a diverse range of organizations and make a global impact. Donations received are reinvested through the Global Grants Program. We contribute to charities ranging from youth leadership and education to medical research and community development.

Endorse a Charity

We contribute to charities that resonate strongly with MDRT members. Several grants are awarded to charitable organizations throughout the year. If you have a charity you'd like to endorse, consider applying for grant funding.


From volunteering to raising funds at a Phonathon, building a home, or participating in the Promise Appeal during the MDRT Annual Meeting, you can become an agent of change by volunteering for the MDRT Foundation.

Made possible by our donors

MDRT Foundation supporters are recognized as philanthropic leaders within the industry and their community. When a donor makes Knight status, these are the Foundation’s most loyal supporters, and upon achievement and advancement within the levels, one receives the following:

• Knight ribbon to be worn at the MDRT Annual Meeting
• Letter and Certificate announcing Knight level
• Name listed in the Foundation’s Annual Report (for current donors)
• Additional recognition opportunities upon obtaining Excalibur Society level

Royal Order Excalibur Knight
USD 250,000

Legion of Honor Excalibur Knight
USD 100,000

Excalibur Knight
USD 50,000

Platinum Knight
USD 25,000

Diamond Knight
USD 10,000

Gold Knight
USD 5,000

Silver Knight
USD 3,000

Bronze Knight
USD 2,000

Interested in learning more?
Please visit or email to learn more.