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What not to do
What not to do

Jun 30 2023

What not to do

Don’t make these mistakes when using social media.

Topics Covered

This is the fifth page of an eight-part guide. 

Forget that it’s a big world. Different people scroll social media at different times. As you develop a posting strategy, consider who you are trying to reach, where they are and when they are likely to see your content. 

Ignore past experience. There is much opportunity with social media to learn as you go. Some advisors even recommend looking back on older posts that received strong responses and posting that item again. After all, if the post is several years old, newer connections might not have seen it, providing a chance to replicate previous success for a fresh audience. 

Overlook the details. Beyond typos and other poor optics that make someone seem unprofessional, it’s also important to pay attention to what you are doing with which account. If you are using a business social media account and clicking “like” on something you mean to support from your personal account, that behavior will be publicly visible and may not make a good impression on the people who see it. 

Expect instant results. Building your presence doesn’t happen overnight. With consistency and patience comes sustainability and impact. Defining what you consider success, setting goals and comparing performance to expectations and aims will help you stay focused on both the journey and the outcome. 

Go to page 3: Some basics to know before getting started
Go to page 4: What to do
Go to page 6: What to post?